And...She's Back!
I've recently finished participating in
The Sketchbook Project, presented by
Art House Coop. Anyone can participate. You pay your money, and receive a small sketchbook which you fill in any way you wish, then return it by a specified date. It had been a long time since I had asked myself, "what do you want to paint, Hillary?" and I used this sketchbook and it's deadline to bring me back to painting some things for my own personal interests, expression and growth.
The sketchbooks will go on a world tour, and then be housed at the Brooklyn Art Museum. They'll also be available online. You were invited to choose from a variety of themes, and I chose "Hope." There were no other directions, but a suggestion for it to actually be a sketchbook - a place where you practice your craft and develop ideas.
I took that to heart, as I love seeing the process of other artists by looking at their sketches, and also worked towards a final project which is pictured at the end of the book. Here is the cover of my sketchbook, above, and below is the first page of the sketchbook.