I've recently finished participating in The Sketchbook Project, presented by Art House Coop. Anyone can participate. You pay your money, and receive a small sketchbook which you fill in any way you wish, then return it by a specified date. It had been a long time since I had asked myself, "what do you want to paint, Hillary?" and I used this sketchbook and it's deadline to bring me back to painting some things for my own personal interests, expression and growth.
The sketchbooks will go on a world tour, and then be housed at the Brooklyn Art Museum. They'll also be available online. You were invited to choose from a variety of themes, and I chose "Hope." There were no other directions, but a suggestion for it to actually be a sketchbook - a place where you practice your craft and develop ideas.
I took that to heart, as I love seeing the process of other artists by looking at their sketches, and also worked towards a final project which is pictured at the end of the book. Here is the cover of my sketchbook, above, and below is the first page of the sketchbook.

Definitely not short on presentation! Very nice!!!!
BTW I felt really bad for you scanning the beach :P And WELCOME BACK you've been missed!!!!
Thank you, and next time I hope you can join me at the beach!
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