A few weeks ago I asked those willing to help me test the email subscription services. If you were kind enough to sign up for both the
Feedburner and the Feedblitz email subscription to my blog, I'd love to know what you think. Were they both reliable? Do you like one better than the other? If you signed up for just one of them, please let me know if you're getting all the posts, and what you think of the service. Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!
(Monkey painted on Eli's Canvas tote bag,
when he was at the age where
that kind of thing was cool)
First I'm sorry I've so lost track of time and didn't realize I've missed a few posts already.
I am one of the people who subscribed to 3. I say 3 because I've also subscribed to your feed on my My Yahoo page. I know I've expressed displeasure with all the extra links with feedblitz which they place before and after the the actual post. I tend to have a lot on my mind so things I can digest instantaneously are more preferred which feedburner provides for me. But I guess I can get used to the feedblitz after all since they benefit the poster a lot more. So I will now proceed to unsubscribe to feedburner :)
This is Eli's tote bag? So cute! Can we see the whole bag?
Erika, no need to apologize, we all get busy and can't do everything, and I will always consider you my biggest fan! Thank you for the feedback about the subscription services. It seems most people like receiving beedburner, but I'll wait a bit and see if there's any more feedback. Thanks for taking the time to help with the research!
Oooh, I love this little guy! You should visit My Great Day blog. It's sort of been the primate channel since the end of October.
I never saw whatever your subscription post was but I subscribe through Google reader so don't think that shows up in Feedburner. I might show up as a visitor but not a subscriber.
If you want to keep track of traffic in general, you might try onestat. You can find the onestat icon at bottom of my sidebar. It's free and helps you track visitors and referring sites.
Wow, Suzanne, you've got lots of great stuff on your Great Day blog! I really enjoyed the gorilla videos. And thank you for the OneStat tip - I'm gonna give it a try.
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